Up Your Mental & Emotional Game for Trumpet Playing
It's been a while since I could devote time & energy towards teaching private lessons, or even group classes.
To overcome the slight feeling of guilt, I wanted to offer trumpet players something of real value, covering topics that I feel are essential for attaining mastery, and go much deeper than simply discussing technique.
From a live Q&A which lasted 4 hours, my team and I have created a series of 18 videos, each covering a different topic and ranging from 2 to 13 minutes in length. In total, there's just over 90 minutes of video, and the entire series (with Spanish subtitles & English transcripts) is available for free. I hope you find them profoundly helpful.
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Here are the first two songs I've recorded with my band in Argentina, ALDEA.
I'll be returning to record more music with them in the first half of 2021,
which is the musical project I'm most excited about this year.